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At the Persepolis, the lion and bull stand always at the side of the tribute processions. Such an association suggests an astronomical meaning. The Nauruz; New Year’s Day in the Iranian calendar at the spring equinox. lion and bull are figures of the zodiac. According to the Avesta, (Yasna 1, 9.) middle of the second constellation Taurus, is the the time of the first of the six seasonal celebrations in Mazdean calendar. The time of the year in which the trees and flowers are full of nectar again and a new sowing begins; the lion, force and will of the cosmos and nature, attains the Taurus, which is fertility.

The final (sixth) celebration of the year is around the final week of the year followed by the Spring equinox. According to the Avesta (Farvardin Yasht, 49.) souls of the dead come to the Earth and stay for ten days and get feasted with the seven symbolic fruits and foods at a symbolic banquet table; the Haft-Sein table.

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